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  Level 1
(Unit 1 only)

This level is designed for managers and business owners who want to get an overall understanding. It involves no practical work and no real coding.  You will learn how internet applications work, how they are structured, and how to prepare business requirements for a new application
Executive Course link
  Level 2
(units 1 - 2)
This is recommended for all people wanting to know the basics of business application building or want to work in small business situations.
  Level 3
(units 1 -  5)
This is recommended for people who want to be able to build a complete application at small business level or departmental level in corporations
  Level 4
(units 1 – 6)
This is recommended for people who hope to eventually work in corporate IT.
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Certificate of Achievement image
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Each unit will contain one or more tests.  These tests are multiple-choice format, so they can be instantly marked and corrected. If you do not get a 75% mark, you must redo the test until you do get 75%. The questions are randomised, so you may not get the same questions each time.
You cannot proceed to the next unit until you have passed all the tests in the unit.  Once you pass the final test in your level of course  you have demonstrated competence, and will get a knowledge certificate.
Students access lessons on-line and digest the course material when logged-in.  In the main, the course is self-paced.

However, we can organise delivery by virtual classroom - Zoom meetings - upon request.

Supporting material (such as supporting documents and course outlines) can be downloaded from our website.

We also supply fully-worked solutions for all the coding exercises, plus sample data,  in the form of a directory structure that the student downloads at the beginning of each unit.

Each unit has at least one test, and these take the form of multiple-choice questions.
Our primary course is called "How to build web-based business applications".  What sets this course apart from others, is that it is entirely focussed on a practical business ("Happy Little Tours") which has  real technology needs. Everything you learn is related to building a complete application for this business, starting with identification of requirements.

The course comprises 6 units.  They are :

Unit 1  -  How internet applications work
Unit 2  -  Developing an internet application
Unit 3  -  More complex programming and objects
Unit 4  -  Building application support infrastructure
Unit 5  -  Advanced techniques
Unit 6  -  Database
There are four levels of certified achievement.  Each of these levels requires one or more units as follows : :
  Level 1
(Unit 1 only)

This level is designed for managers and business owners who want to get an overall understanding. It involves no practical work and no real coding.  You will learn how internet applications work, how they are structured, and how to prepare business requirements for a new application

This level is designed for managers and business owners who want to get an overall understanding. It involves no practical work and no real coding.  You will learn how internet applications work, how they are structured, and how to prepare business requirements for a new application

Executive course learn more


(units 1 - 2)
This is recommended for all people wanting to know the basics of business application building or want to work in small business situations.
  Level 3
(units 1 -  5)
This is recommended for people who want to be able to build a complete application at small business level or departmental level in corporations
  Level 4
  Level 2
(units 1 – 6)
This is recommended for people who hope to eventually work in corporate IT.
Our primary course is called "How to build web-based business applications".  What sets this course apart from others, is that it is entirely focussed on a practical business ("Happy Little Tours") which has  real technology needs. Everything you learn is related to building a complete application for this business, starting with identification of requirements.



Designed for managers and business owners who want to get an overall understanding.



Recommended for all people wanting to know the basics of business application building or want to work in small business situations.



This is recommended for people who want to be able to build a complete application at small business level or departmental level in corporations



This is recommended for people who hope to eventually work in corporate IT.


All levels have theory assessment , based on multiple choice quizzes.
There are four levels of certified achievement.  Each of these levels requires one or more units as follows : :
Successful students are awarded a certificate of achievement.
Executice course - learn more
Sample Lesson
Sample lesson
The course comprises 6 units.  They are :

Unit 1  -  How internet applications work
Unit 2  -  Developing an internet application
Unit 3  -  More complex programming and objects
Unit 4  -  Building application support infrastructure
Unit 5  -  Advanced techniques
Unit 6  -  Database
There are four levels of certified achievement.  Each of these levels requires one or more units as follows: