(C)  2021 - 2023  www.necktoptraining.com
Necktop Training Logo
PRICING  -  in  US Dollars
LEVEL Course fees S'ware tools TOTAL with tools
EXECUTIVE **   144 ** N/A 144
INTERMEDIATE 288 135 423
ADVANCED 684 135 819
PROFESSIONAL 936 135 1071

The Software tools are the WYSIWYG Web builder for defining your web page layouts, and the PhpEd PHP code editor. You need edititors to write the code for your practical exercises for the levels intermediate to professional. You do not need them if you only do the Executive level
If you already have similar software editors, you do not HAVE to buy these tools, but we stronly recommned that you do, because our training material is oriented to these particular tools,

Our self-paced training for all levels included multiple choice tests for every unit.
You need to pass these tests in order to pass the course level and obtain your certificate of achievement. The usual test is 16 questions, with a 75% passmark.
Most students will be perfectly able to progress through the course on a self-paced basis.   The training materials are comprehensive, with a plethora of practical examples related to real-world business.

Also, we provide a complete code-library of all worked examples of the practical assignments. The code library is replicated for every lesson, so that you can always check our working code - if it should happen that you are struggling to get yours to work!

And there is always Dr Google. You should be able to find free solutions by searching the web on a brief statement of your problem and some code snippets or error messages.

However,  for students who are more comfortable with a little hand-holding, we offer email support and, if needed, tele-conference support.

We charge by the hour for both options, and you can pre-purchase support hours as you need them from our "Enrol" page.  (Click here).
You can pre-purchase support hours to match your needs - from as little as one hour at a time.

We then accumulate the actual hours of support you have used against the total you have pre-purchased.

FOR EMAIL SUPPORT - Email us with a description of your problem, and we will do our best to provide answers by email.

Please note that the Executive level course involves no code wrting and minimal practical work,

Therefore, the software is NOT required

EMAIL SUPPORT ($ per hour) 40  
Support Options page link
** Special offer!  For a limited time we are making the executive course available for only US $55.00
Click here to enrol now.   Use DISCOUNT CODE "EXECTRAINING"



PHP editor

WYSIWYG Web builder

TOTAL with PHP editor + WYSIWYG

EXECUTIVE  **     144  **   144
INTERMEDIATE 288 75 60 423
ADVANCED 684 75 60 819
PROFESSIONAL 936 75 60 1071
Many students will be perfectly able to progress through the course on a self-paced basis.   The training materials are comprehensive, with a plethora of practical examples related to real-world business.

Also, we provide a complete code-library of all worked examples of the practical assignments. The code library is replicated for every lesson, so that you can always check our working code (if it should happen that you are struggling to get yours to work!)

However,  for students who are more comfortable with a little hand-holding, we offer email support and, if needed, tele-conference support.

We charge by the hour for both options, and you can pre-purchase support hours as you need them from our "Enrol" page.  (Click here).
You can pre-purchase support hours to match your needs - from as little as one hour at a time.

We then accumulate the actual hours of support you have used against the total you have pre-purchased.

FOR EMAIL SUPPORT - Email us with a description of your problem, and we will do our best to provide answers by email.
** Special offer!  For a limited time we are making the executive course available for only US $55.00
Click here to enrol now.


Please note that the Executive level course involves no code wrting and minimal practical work,

Therefore, there is no practical assessment available. The Executive level is just a single off-the-shelf price..

The Software tools are the WYSIWYG Web builder for defining your web page layouts, and the PhpEd PHP code editor. You need edititors to write the code for your practical exercises for the levels intermediate to professional. You do not need them if you only do the Executive level
If you already have similar software editors, you do not HAVE to buy these tools, but we stronly recommned that you do, because our training material is oriented to these particular tools,