(C)  2021 - 2023  www.necktoptraining.com
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Important note on software requirements

If you proceed beyond Unit 1 (Executive level) and want to do the practical sessions in the course, you will need two important software tools:

(1)  A  text editor that can work with the PHP language.
(2)  A  WYSIWYG  editing tool to layout and create web pages.

We recommend using the NuSphere PHP editor, and the WYSIWG Web builder.
However, if you already have similar tools, you can save money by using those.

The prices you pay when you enrol DO NOT INCLUDE these software tools. 
If you want to use the above, you shold allow about US$60 for the NuSphere PHP editor AND US$75 for the WYSIWYG Web builder. You only need the private single user versions.

The first lesson in Unit 2 contains detail instructions for how to download, pay for and install both of these tools.

You can enrol in one of our courses, and pre-purchase support hours on our learning platform provided by Digital Chalk.  Upon successful enrollment, you will be given login credentials.
To access your training material, you can select the "Training Login" tab above, or go to : 

https://stucjac.digitalchalk.com   Then click on "Create Account"