(C)  2021 - 2022  www.necktoptraining.com
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image of programmers desk
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Girl writing code
Programmer at work
Course structure link
(C)  2021 - 2022  www.necktoptraining.com
After the first unit, it is a practical coding course.
But it is  not like most  coding courses.

Why?  Because everything you learn, and the solutions you build, are entirely driven by real business needs and real business processes.

Most coding courses are abstract. That is, they teach just coding, and not how coding relates to, and solves, business needs and problems. Our course is not like that. It relates everything you learn to actual business processes.

And this means that when you start working as a developer, you will be much more confident in your ability to solve problems and add value to your employer, or your business. That is the crucial benefit of the course.

Course progression

But, the first unit of the course involves no coding and is designed as an "Executive Summary" course.
As such, it can be taken stand-alone  by management or business owners who want to improve their understanding of web-based business applications.  OR by students who need a good business grounding for the rest of their course.
The Necktop Training Course called “How to build web-based business applications” uses theory lessons and practical exercises to lead you through the process of building, testing and deploying a business-oriented application that uses web technology only, and requires nothing special to be run or loaded onto the user’s PC or mobile device.


We start by giving you a description of a real-world business that has some I.T problems which prevent it from keeping pace with its competitors.

Then, we lead you through the techniques of determining and documenting the business requirements for a new system.

And then , we start, from the ground up, teaching you to develop and code the new system. As the course progresses, you add more and more features and sophistication.

In doing this you learn, one step at a time, some of the most important principles of business system development.
For example:

* Building pages and forms
* Storing and retrieving data
* Handling errors
* Logins, security and encryption
* Users, access and registration
* Page navigation and control
* Responsive menus
* Object-oriented and functional programming
* Debugging
* Data views and grids
* Sending emails and text reminders
* Responsive pages and mobile devices
* Database, SQL and transactions
And much more!
The Necktop Training Course called “How to build web-based business applications” uses theory lessons and practical exercises to lead you through the process of building, testing and deploying a business-oriented application that uses web technology only, and requires nothing special to be run or loaded onto the user’s PC or mobile device.
But, the first unit of the course involves no coding and is designed as an "Executive Summary" course.
As such, it can be taken stand-alone  by management or business owners who want to improve their understanding of web-based business applications.  OR by students who need a good business grounding for the rest of their course.
After the first unit, it is a practical coding course.
But it is  not like most  coding courses, because everything you learn, and the solutions you build, are entirely driven by real business needs and real business processes.

This means that when you start working as a developer, you will be much more confident in your ability to solve problems and add value to your employer, or your business. That is the crucial benefit of the course.
We start from the ground up, teaching you to develop and code the new system. As the course progresses, you add more and more features and sophistication.

In doing this you learn, one step at a time, some of the most important principles of business system development.
For example:

* Building pages and forms
* Storing and retrieving data
* Handling errors
* Logins, security and encryption
* Users, access and registration
* Page navigation and control
* Responsive menus
* Object-oriented and functional programming
* Debugging
* Data views and grids
* Sending emails and text reminders
* Responsive pages and mobile devices
* Database, SQL and transactions
link to Necktop Training course structure

About the Course